In this episode of the Behind the Leash Podcast, Paige and Ryan of Tails and Ales Philly, get to sit down and talk for 13 minutes (with all the dogs in the background) about their dog business plans and share personal advice for each other.
When Paige started Tails and Ales she never imagined it would be where it is 1 year later; February and March filled up, she is getting 7-8 new inquiries a week and has had to put meet and greets for daycares on pause.
Tails and Ales has been a lot of give and take when it comes to personal time off and focusing on individual growth for both Paige and Ryan. Weekend dinner talk is never complete without focusing some time on talking about dogs or our business and the vision for the future.
Tails and Ales is constantly in an upward movement of growth to ensure that we can continue to provide the best care for the dogs. We always have new ideas that we are waiting to share with our community and merch? parties? group hikes? The ideas are endless and hope we can let you in on some of these plans soon!
With that said, Ryan and Paige have a variety of passions that include the dogs (duh!), but also ones that are completely different and don't fall under the pet service industry. These passions are also worth exploring for each of them and ones that you may see pop up a little more often... but don't worry, we aren't going anywhere or sacrificing any of our dog days.
Learn more about Tails and Ales Philly: Dog Walking, Boarding & Daycare